Queries API

The queries API is used for saving and updating saved queries. Queries contain a block of SQL text (may be multiple statements), a name, a connection used to run the query against, and an optional chart configuration JSON object.

The queries API follows the general patterns described in API Overview with an addition in that the queries list API allows for server-side filtering and pagination.

Single Query GET, POST, and PUT

Create / Update Payload

When creating/updating a query, a partial query object should be sent. For updates, only the fields changing need to be sent.

tags should be sent as an array of strings. chart should be sent as the object it is intended to be.

acl should be an array of objects containing either groupId or userId, and the write boolean. queryId, id, createdAt and updatedAt will be populated by the API server.

Similarly, createdBy, updatedBy, related user objects, canDelete, canRead, and canWrite, createdAt, and updatedAt should not be provided, as they are maintained by the API server as well.

  // id can be any string. Defaults to UUID
  name: 'Human friendly name',
  connectionId: 'id-of-connection',
  // Query text containing 1 or more SQL statements
  queryText: 'SELECT * FROM table_1; SELECT * FROM table_2;',
  tags: [
  // Configuration & mapping used for chart
  // This is dynamic in nature and will likely change
  chart: {
    chartType: 'kind-of-chart',
    fields: {
      "barlabel": "result-column-name",
      "barvalue" : "other-result-column-name",
      "otherfield": "other-value"
  // acl is a list of access control objects for query
  // Used to control who the query is shared with,
  // and whether they can save updates to the query
  // Either groupId or userId can be set for each object, not both
  acl: [
      queryId: "some-id",
      groupId: "__EVERYONE__",
      userId: null,
      write: true,

Full Query Response

Creating, updating, and fetching a single query returns the full query object

  // id can be any string. Defaults to UUID
  id: 'some-id',
  name: 'Human friendly name',
  connectionId: 'id-of-connection',
  // Query text containing 1 or more SQL statements
  queryText: 'SELECT * FROM table_1; SELECT * FROM table_2;',
  tags: [
  // Configuration & mapping used for chart
  // This is dynamic in nature and will likely change
  chart: {
    chartType: 'kind-of-chart',
    fields: {
      "barlabel": "result-column-name",
      "barvalue" : "other-result-column-name",
      "otherfield": "other-value"
  // acl is a list of access control objects for query
  // Used to control who the query is shared with,
  // and whether they can save updates to the query
  // Either groupId or userId can be set for each object, not both
  acl: [
      id: 13,
      queryId: "some-id",
      groupId: "__EVERYONE__",
      userId: null,
      write: true,
      createdAt: "2020-07-04T00:52:36.369Z",
      updatedAt: "2020-07-04T00:52:36.369Z",
  createdBy: 'user-id-of-author',
  // Additional user information for `createdBy` id
  createdByUser: {
    id: 'user-id-of-author',
    name: 'name-of-author',
    email: 'email-of-author'
  updatedBy: 'user-id-of-author',
  // Additional user information for `updatedBy` id
  updatedByUser: {
    id: 'user-id-of-author',
    name: 'name-of-author',
    email: 'email-of-author'
  createdAt: '2020-07-04T00:49:57.595Z',
  updatedAt: '2020-07-04T00:49:57.595Z',
  // Permissions added by API for currently logged-in user
  canDelete: true,
  canRead: true,
  canWrite: true,

Server Filtering and Pagination

Queries may grow to a large number of entries. Use pagination and filtering to efficiently fetch intended queries.


GET /api/queries?connectionId=connection-id&search=searchvalue&tags[]=on&tags[]=test&sortBy=-updatedAt&limit=20&offset=20


  • connectionId: Get queries for specific connection
  • search: Value to search for in name or queryText
  • tags[]: Array of tags. Queries returned will have all tags in querystring
  • sortBy: Direction and field to sort on. Options are -updatedAt, +updatedAt, -name, +name
  • ownedByUser: If true only queries owned by user are returned. If false queries shared with user are returned. If not provided all queries visible to user are returned.
  • createdBy: Get queries created by specific user


The queries list API returns an array of query summary objects. This object has fewer fields than the single-GET/PUT/POST response.

    id: 'RuV3A7uPBGDATBnx',
    name: 'sqlpad - schema version',
    queryText: 'select * from schema_version',
    tags: ['tag-one', 'tag-two'],
    acl: [],
    canDelete: true,
    canRead: true,
    canWrite: true,
    chart: {},
    connection: {
      id: 'orWfhrRpkc1ybd0t',
      name: 'sqlpad-sqlite3',
      driver: 'sqlite',
    createdBy: 'kpxXdFgJ2SE2QYnD',
    createdByUser: {
      id: 'kpxXdFgJ2SE2QYnD',
      name: null,
      email: 'admin@sqlpad.com',